Affiliation & shows

I was a member of the British Woodcarvers Association. Unfortunately this organisation has now disbanded as a national body but the Essex branch has reformed as Essex Woodcarvers.
I now chair the Essex Woodcarvers group having previously held the post of Events Officer.
The demise of the BWA was a significant loss to woodcarving in the UK, particularly its role as a directory of clubs that exhibitors at shows could use to direct new carvers to a club near where lived. To fill this gap, I have established a Facebook page called Woodcarvers UK* to host a spreadsheet, listing woodcarving across the country. While it is not an ideal platform, it is my intention keep this function free of memes, self-promotion, and other clutter, and solely act as directory and promoter of large events. If clubs do not support other, this wonderful art will die out and valuable skills will be lost.​
I will be regularly attending shows and events around the UK in 2025. Details of future shows and events I will be demonstrating and exhibiting at will be on my Facebook events page as they become available.
*see links page